
grinding axes

Fried fish for dinner yesterday suggested a thought that lots of sayings are shortly going to become unintelligible - the sort of thing asked about in class by falslely bright and encouraging English teachers. Healthy eating will give them lots of grist to their dead mill. Other fish to fry, fat in the fire, pot callling kettle black (that one's not allowed any more), different kettle of fish. It's surprising too that so many English ones are kitchen or housework metaphors. In Italian metaphor is just as distant but quite another pair of sleeves.


milena said...

the interesting question is what will they be replaced with. any suggestions?

- that's a different brand of fries
- that's another species of extinct marine life

the Librarian said...

Lenna, see, we're not just emptying the sea, we're emptying the language!

What are the steely-bright enthusiast English teachers to do when all they're left with is 'camp as a row of tents' ?