
A German library user makes an important observation on the failure of socialism. She remarked that communism (to which I was declaring continued, indeed sole, allegiance) is certainly an ideology free of socialism's unfortunate relations with the state and all the problems that brings, but that as communism is an ideology of angels it's not a lot of use to us in achieving the Good.

It's the delivery system that's failed in the technological and economic circumstances of today, but condemning socialism because it cannot live up to the ideology that has given it it's moral imprimatur and and has been used by some to justify degraded policies and acts, is escapism into angelic spheres that can deliver nothing (other than making me feel good).


So how is a delivery system developed and controlled by all of us? Perhaps first, what could it be made-up of ?


milena said...

In a tribute to Lena Jeger, it was said that she always said that it is necessary to take the poetry of our ideals and translate it into the practicalities of everyday life.

the Librarian said...

I worked for Lena Jeger's election in her last parliament. She was a very fine, proper Labour party representative, like Tony Benn, not a disgusting, bogey-eating stalinoid like Brown.

milena said...

the tributee also said that he wasn't a worshipper at the altar of brown; which is most interesting in the light of his previous comments.

milena said...

sorry i guess i meant the tributer?