
Talla meeting

The meeting at Talla against the wind turbine depurtation of the hills around us was packed; people from all the affected villages, towns and farms were there, as well as individual firms like restaurants, bed and breakfasts and aziende agricole.
Lenna's was represented by the Avocato, who spoke to the meeting as a technical advisor as well, on legal aspects of the challenge.
The meeting began with a group accusing the organisers of representing landowner and business interest only, and failing in their responsibility to reduce global warming and encourage alternative clean power sources for the sake of their profits. Their view was met very well by the various members of the committee, a specialist on alternative energy sources (particularly bio-mass), and an account of the inappropriate siting of the wind turbines simply on the lack of wind grounds outlined by Fred, originally.
The head of the provincial Green party, who was there, offered to organise an assemblea where the irrelevance of these proposals to any Green agenda could be set out for all the ecologically minded, who are being deliberately misled by the Spanish-based multinational whose sole agenda is to farm tax and other funding sources from the European Union and member states. It is hoped this will be a travelling assemblea that will set up in the large number of population areas damaged by these proposals.
The former sindaco from here whose back garden is to be underneath one of the 90 metre high turbines was there, fit to be tied. The Avocato has a new client.
There were also representatives from comunes, including the provincial capital, who had suceeded in refusing sites for the dangerous refuse and recycling dump that is looking for a corrupt enough administration to give it a home. There were exchanges of contacts and advice taken, even though, currently, the comune here has written twice to the opposition group on the council denying any plans or negotiations of any kind with any group planning such a plant. This is a lie but people working inside the comune are on the quivive and call the opposition at once whenever activity on this front, even phone calls, starts up.
I am not aware of what next steps were decided, but the Region has had to open a formal procedure which permits all kinds of properly organised legal and other challenges, and follows a strict timetable with all deadlines properly notified; that is in good hands.
Comments,suggestions, and further information will be posted by us all as and when we can.


Anonymous said...

complimenti to the avvocato.

and thanks to the Librarian for the account.

in this ward, a BNP supporter came over to the LP street stall to sign the petition against plastic bag proliferation. when asked why he was BNP he said because there are a lot of ignorant white children. i refrained from countering ignorant white adults too, and left the actual councillors to respond...

the Librarian said...

Not quite clear, here. Why did he think all the white ignorant children should make joining the BNP a good idea?

Anonymous said...

i wasn't too clear, and i'm not sure he was either. and he made me feel queasy so didn't want to explore his mindset further.

but i think the general gist was there aren't enough resources put into all the white children and that's because we're spending money on oversees aid helping foreigners of whom there are already too many over here using up money that should be spent on all the white children. And that's not in line with his idea of britishness.

also he was a member of the BNP "because of the little things, like he'd seen one of those Kosovans crossing the road eating a chocolate bar and just throwing the wrapper on the ground." How did he know it was a Kosovan? Oh well he supposed that was right, he didn't know for sure it was a kosovan but it was definitely an east european.

the Librarian said...

So he thought stupid, lazy people the result of recent immigration?

I was 17 before I met anyone from outside the UK, apart from French and Italian boarders at school who came for a year to polish their English , and 1 German schoolboy staying with a family I now realise had more sense than most of us at the time.

But I knew a lot of people at school who were not benefitting from being there, to put it mildly.

It's nonsense that achievement whether social, economic, educational, what you will has any simple, direct relationship with such a complex phenomenon as immigration. He was just a nasty man hating what was easy to pick out as different from himself, to justify his failure and life disappointments. Pig.