
Bump in the night

Veronica Berlusconi has publicly demanded apologies from Silvio for some heavy compliments he was offering to various women at an official dinner that were reported in the media. What an odd thing to do. After all these years she must have noticed he's mannerless; and why should her expectation of an apology be made public? The apology perhaps, as the offence was publicly given, but who would willingly publish the fact that they have been offended?

The photograph on the front of La Repubblica has clearly been taken on the western end of the terrace against the backdrop of the Comune tower; I thought I had heard noises in the night but it's better to stay in bed in this house and let the night denizens go about their business, not investigate.


milena said...

sorry i can't see the pic on repubblica online..

the Librarian said...

Lenna, you can see it in your mind's eye - terrace, tower, castellations, night sky, it's remarkable.

Caronte said...

You should not be fooled by those two. Veronica is an actress, Silvio is a charlatan, together they have staged an attention seeking, attention diversion exchange, that has covered Silvio's latest indictment, made him look human if ill-mannered, underlined his residual virility and got him the sympathy of millions of Italian self-styled machos.

milena said...

bit like blair having five guys in birmingham arrested on trrism charges while he was being questioned for corruption.