
self indulgence

Watching the vote in the Senate has made me realise how much it matters that decent people, right or left, are running the government. I'd rather have any shade of political opinion than a criminal like the one we voted out at the last elections.

The trotskyite who voted us all back into a potential nightmare so he could say his part and turn round is as bad as any criminal; he got punched on the train home. I hope he got punched again tonight, even if we did win - just.


milena said...

you know my views on trotskyites.

they aren't suitable for a family blog such as this one.

the Librarian said...

The trouble with the voting system here is that there's no direct answerability to a specific group of voters; and wheeling and dealing in the construction of party lists lets some real nasties through. Well done the nose puncher, take away political answerability and it's what remains.

The Library has a number of books on Trotsky and the various internationals; back to my reading, I can't believe he deserves this brood of anorak plotters taking his name - he is the father of the Red Army.

the Librarian said...

Romano won in the lower house with a 90 majority; he says he expects to run the place for the next five years and there had better be no more silly behaviour from the trots. Ha.

First task? He intends to lower taxes. Yes.