

There are books in many languages to be dealt with (that sounds fiercer than I mean). So it follows there are speakers of many languages who have placed offerings (or confiscations) in the Trash Library.

Any member of the Library who wishes to comment in another language is most welcome to do so. Responses from the Librarian will be limited to comments in English, French, German, or Italian. But I'm sure all of you will pile in with anything else that comes to mind; just talk among yourselves.

Bemba speakers are requested to keep things fairly simple.


milena said...

i feel most eloquent when i write in english so i might just stick to being monolingual here...

the Librarian said...

And you one of the few Bemba speakers I know. Sigh.

milena said...

can only manage very basic bemba with dictionary, and seeing as that is there it'd be a bit tricky from here...

the Librarian said...

Lenna, As I am currently arguing for a House of Lords to be recruited by force- of- arms- after -challenge (on Dale) I am behind with posting on a book I'm reading about the way to the seaside (the bit after leaving the Grossetana, where those savage-looking crag top towns that look like part of the rock are ).

Promises to post by an Italian Library user on various gialli were made at dinner the other evening, which should be very interesting.

giules said...

what's bemba?
I just finished Anna Karenina, it's very sad, but I didn't get the last bit of the book that seems to be about religion. Can anyone help me out here?

the Librarian said...

Giules, I never finished Anna Karenina (are we playing Humiliation here, Ed.) but an Australian Library user is a fan of the Russian novel, so could help.

Bemba is the language of one of the peoples of Zambia, as is Chanyanga (sp.?Ed)

Caronte said...

"Bemba Bemba, xxxx xx xxxxxx" (graffiti in the Anthropology Library, Cambridge, England)

the Librarian said...

Pispolo, Nope, that was in the margins of an ethnographic account of the peoples of central southern Africa.

See you're applying Cambridge rules to foreign words in use in English. Quite right; down with referenda and graffito.

beachbum said...

Never a fan of Tolstoy - too much mysticism for my liking. But religion is what it is about. Tolstoy's own: accept your lot, don't change anything, love life and the little people and animals stuff. (Make sure you're a filthy rich nobleman in the first place though)

milena said...

what's wrong with that, if you happen to be a filthy rich nobleman there are worse things you could preach...