

The honour of choosing the photograph for the festschrift fell to me. Library users will be pleased to hear that apart from a knowing smile, the picture showed: the large kitchen fireplace, fire blazing, pietra serena distinguished, the table with tea things (pale green china with birds on), rather than the standard carpet of bottles, and a particularly fine glass tazza holding an artistic splash of colour in the form of oranges. Home life at its most civilized, even the cotto is highly polished. I am disappointed only in that, on checking, Gu is not in his place on the cammino.


the Librarian said...

All will be pleased to hear that the word 'festschrift' will not appear (as it shouldn't). Essays in honour of....... (in time-honoured fashion) will be on the title page after the main title.

the Librarian said...

I should have written camino. whoops.

giules said...

need any help checking proofs? have fine eye...

milena said...

the camino is one of gu's camminate so it was sort of ok anyway :-)

the Librarian said...

Giules, others are reading the proofs, not least the authors, so you're kindness itself while you don't have to read any more proofs till harpsichord accompaniment in V. arrives for eagle-eyeing.

saved by Lenna.