
dementia fears and reality

Sometimes, while flicking quickly through an attractive title, I realise only after settling down to a good read, that I have read the book before. Is my brain shrinking with the passing of time? When did this begin? How can I check it is happening and the rate of advance if I cannot remember in the first place?

Even more worryingly, very fine novels reveal aspects of themselves I had not noticed formerly (or had forgotten?).

Comments on re-reading experiences should be either condemnatory or, preferably, reassuring.


milena said...

surely good novels revealing aspects of themselves you hadn't noticed before is to be expected? And even if you had noticed somthing the first time round, if you particularly liked it then you are likely to enjoy it again, and you may well confuse the renewed sense of pleasure with a perception of novelty.

milena said...

sorry i've been publishing my comments without previewing them first and overenthusiastic typing has led to more typos than i'd have expected.. (there are a few more kicking about in recently posted comments) will proof more carefully from now on.

the Librarian said...

Lenna, in view of the intriguing goings on in UK Labour politics at the moment I have been rereading the Prime Minister and Phineas Redux (dust levels throughout the building consequently are reaching crisis).

Trollope himself would not say this is great writing but its portrayal of current Blair/Brown/Labour goings on is striking. Perhaps I should post afresh on this when I have read more?