
Beni mobili and their use

It has begun already. I note, on checking the third floor shutters, that the chimera rug is in the stanzina, where it looks very well; the tables made from wood salvaged from the destroyed ponte S. Niccolo' have been restored by Marino and, when seen, will tug at the heartstrings of their former owner, and doubtless try to return to Florence but are destined for up the hill. Brass horse awaits his return to the fields of England (well, the gardens of WC1); though some things are at home - Berlin bronze snail continues to mark the rate of the advance of the revolution between Marx and Lenin in their bronzed, bearded seriousness, Franco's coffee pots and chicken alla diavola instruct the big kitchen, and the Chinese rug graces the salottino (I know few others like it but I chose it rather than the proffered fur coat and enjoy it enormously, as does Gu).

Furniture has always been a battleground in Tuscan inheritance, just look at all those vellum-bound volumes I to IV of XII in the Library, divided up dinner services, ill-matched chair groups, but if beni mobili join the Library then they can be borrowed and returned and a bain of Tuscan family life removed.


Caronte said...
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Caronte said...

TrashLibrarian, of course you can lend/borrow anything, from paintings to musical instruments, from cars to blood. But those are either transactions between individual agents, or the activity of a specialised agency, Car Rental or Museum or Art Merchant, or a Bank. Nothing much to do with the activities of a Library, let alone a TRASH Library. And you would not like it I think, better not to overextend yourself.

the Librarian said...

Pispolo, Yes. No over extension; I'll just get on with my reading.